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8 Key Considerations for Effective Cattle Yard Layout Design

For a cattle producer, handling a herd is the most demanding task. The Aussie beasts are strong, and tough, and could pose a threat to their handler if provoked. To make every cattle handling process smooth, the right equipment and systems are needed on the farm. If you are a beef producer and want to devise an effective cattle management system then this blog is going to help you a lot.

Cattle Yard Layout Design

Let’s list out the things one needs to consider for an effective cattle yard layout design.

1. Location and Orientation:

Depending on the extent of property you possess, selecting the right location and orientation for your cattle yard is the foundation of effective design. You need to choose a site where waterlogging won’t happen and good drainage to prevent mud build-up. The cattle yard should be oriented so that it minimises wind effects and there is enough exposure to sunlight for the cattle’s comfort. A complicated yard design with no such features will only cause health issues for the cattle, make maintenance difficult, and tricky for the operator .

2. Flow and Movement:

A productive and smooth cattle movement will reduce handling strain. To make it possible, one needs to understand the flow cattle are used to and feel safe in when moving from one position to another. Any seasoned producer would know that cattle prefer to move in a circular pattern avoiding any sharp turns. Keeping this in mind, opt for curved panels rather than sharp corners, space in the pathway should be enough for only one cattle to pass at a time so there’s only one-way movement, and avoid any dead-ends as this could panic the cattle.

3. Cattle Yard Gates:

Cattle yard gates are important for any yard design as they create a controlled movement and restrict cattle from going where you don’t want them to be. Choose strong, sturdy, and easy-to-operate gates in your yard system. Now install them strategically dividing them into different sections and allowing personnel access for operator safety.

4. Cattle Yard Panels: 

The panels form the backbone of the yard structure. Choosing quality panels is essential to creating a safe and durable yard. Look for panels with a smooth surface and rounded edges to prevent injury to livestock and the handler. Cattle Yard Panels also come with personnel access, which you can place at your convenience. Based on the cattle breeds you deal with, or safety concerns, or personal preference you can get a range of panels made by RPM Livestock Equipment.

5. Cattle Equipment:

To make sure that your yard is self-sufficient you need to keep your yard equipped with efficient equipment for handling cattle. Some of the necessary equipment are cattle crushes, loading ramps, headbails, headlocks, weigh boxes, cattle races, etc. Your supplier can give you a better insight about the equipment benefits and how to choose the best from the options available in the market. Get Cattle Yard Components from a manufacturer who can tailor equipment as per your requirements.

6. Handling and Sorting Facilities:

To make any cattle yard efficient, handling and sorting facilities are essential for livestock management. Design cattle yards to have holding pens of different sizes from large to small herds of cattle in place and avoiding overcrowding. Pens and raceways should be designed for the quick sorting of cattle to perform various operations. 

7. Safety Features:

When dealing with cattle for profit, beef and cattle producers need to keep safety as a top priority. Incorporate safety features that minimise cattle injuries as well as handlers' risk of getting injured during operations. Features like anti-slip surfaces, supporting handles, and personnel access should be in all yard components and cattle handling equipment.

8. Ease of Maintenance:

Ensure that the placement of each yard component is such that there is scope for maintenance. Use a material that is non-corrosive and resistant to rust and wear and tear. This where the decision to purchase cattle equipment made in Australia, with local heavy duty steel will come into play and pay big dividends over time. Your yard layout should also be easy to clean with smooth surfaces and ask your manufacturer if they provide spare parts for their yard components. 

Build Your Cattle Yard Layout With Efficiency

Putting up an efficient cattle yard layout needs caution when considering elements like location, flow, components, and safety. This story addresses eight key issues providing a guideline to help with yard design which will lead to increased efficiency in handling livestock, as well as safety for operators. Remember, creating a sturdy, heavy duty and functional yard that satisfies your needs is going to stand the test of time and give you huge returns on your investment.


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